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consumption tendency中文是什么意思

用"consumption tendency"造句"consumption tendency"怎么读"consumption tendency" in a sentence


  • 消费倾向


  • On consumption tendency and marketing implications of latent needs
  • An analysis of the causes of lower consumption tendency of the farmers in china since the 90s in 20th century
  • Consumption demand depends on consumption tendency while effective demand on capital marginal efficiency and interest rate
  • Because it is comparatively steady of consumption tendency in a short time , increasing investment demand should be made to bring full employment into being
  • The consuming behavior of citizens in present china has become a system of implication and communication , shown in their symbolical consumption tendency
  • They elaborate the priority of fairness to efficiency in accordance with the law of marginal descending of consumption tendency and the law of marginal descending of capital profit
  • The essay dynamically reviews consumption level of countrymen and contrast analyses consumption tendency of city and countryside . moreover , the essay analyses consumption frame alteration degree to review change of countrymen consumption expend frame
  • With the improvement of people ' s living standard , the rapid development of housing construction in our country and the pursuit of comfortable surroundings of interior residence , these formed a great quality of consumption tendency of energy
  • The essay uses expand linearity expend system by microcosmic view to analyze basic consumption proportion , bounds consumption tendency , income flexibility of kinds of consumption expend . with this condition , the essay analyses all kinds of life consumption current of countrymen
  • Secondly , the article discusses the evolution and different consumption status quo of various citizen classes in the course of modernizations of china in a macro view . then with an analysis of suzhou city , the article specifically analyzes the status quo of the consumption pattern of suzhou citizens in a micro view . lastly , through the narration of five consumption pops , this article analyzes the future consumption tendency of citizens in an objective way , thus shows the writing intention of the writer , which is to construct a sustainable consumption mode well fitted in with china actualities
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